Today Luke had a big day at preschool. He came home with a couple things. The first was a worksheet that said "I Have a Dream" on it. He kind of blew over it when I asked him about it because he was so excited about his snowflake. Miss Jani taught them how to cut out snowflakes and he described in great detail to me on how to make one.
While I was looking at his snowflake, it started me thinking about how there are no two snowflakes the same, they are all different. Each of them are beautiful in their own way. People are like snowflakes, we are all different and that's okay too. We don't have to be the same.
I found a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. and showed it to Luke. I tried to explain to him who this man was and what he stood for.

Then we talked about how everyone is different. Just like these snowflakes, we are all different and that Heavenly Father loves us no matter what. It doesn't matter if we are black or white, a boy or a girl or whatever, Heavenly Father loves each one of his children and he expects us to treat them the way we would want to be treated.
Then we made our own snowflakes. Our paper was thicker than Miss Jani's paper so it was hard fro Luke to get through all those layers - I helped a lot. We had a good time working on them together.
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